THIS Film Is Now Open To The Public

Full disclosure: We've been waiting for months for UNSTUCK: An OCD Kids Movie to be available to the public. AND we can finally announce the time has come! 

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Perhaps you recall us writing about the special screening we received and reviewed in February.
Friendly reminder: We gave it FIVE stars. 

The film that brought us to our knees with appreciation and identification is now waiting and ready for parents, families, kids - everyone, anywhere to watch. What was the hold up? FILM FESTIVALS! UNSTUCK was accepted and premiered at so many film festivals we had to wait to release to the public until those restrictions passed. 


- Watch anytime, on any device

- Streaming is available on their site HERE
- Streaming is also available on Vimeo on Demand
- What's more? On Vimeo, you can watch the film subtitled in Spanish, Portuguese, Greek and French.

In fact, sign EVERYONE and their mother, brother, sister, aunts and cousins up. It's that good. 

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