Anxiety & Mental Wellbeing Outlet

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Personally, I am a huge fan of putting pen to the paper in general because on the average day, my brain can't seem to categorize and put the right folders in the right mental places. I've learned that there are typically two ways I can make sense of the jumble of feelings that I can't seem to pinpoint brewing inside of me. The first is to talk out loud to myself - yep, I said it. There's too much going on inside my brain to make clear and definitive decisions and think distinctly at times. There are about two or three people I sometimes consider talking my jumbled thoughts out loud with, but for the most part, I would rather take up my own time over their time. 

But sometimes this isn't enough for me. Even though I am saying the words out loud, they don't stick. It's like they roll off my tongue and disintegrate. When I have this feeling, I know I need to move on to step two. The second and most effective way I have found to channel my emotions is through writing everythingI am thinking down in a bullet form. Simple, concise words. I will write, bullet, write, bullet and so on until I feel like I've purged and untied whatever knot has been building in my stomach. Once it's on the paper in bulleted form rather than paragraphs, my mind can begin to digest the bullets and pair together what goes with what. Honestly, the majority of the time, just writing out the bullet points, whether they make sense or not, are enough for me to rid the initial anxiety I am feeling. Oftentimes, I am so drained from sorting everything out in this way, I actually feel a huge weight lifted off of me. And many times, that's all I needed. I can come back later with a fresh mind and reassess. 

Another reason I love this method is because I now have those thoughts, feelings and emotions - all on paper to reflect back on. And this is for my eyes only. Although, there have been times when I have been so anxious, so jumbled - I have just handed the lists to my therapist and said, "HELP." He helps me sort through the prioritization or overwhelming tasks and feelings and somehow we make a plan and things become more manageable, at least for my mental wellbeing until my anxiety lowers.

The key to bullet journaling is having everything in one place. This guided bullet journal is so cheap and effective for anyone and everyone. It's less than ten dollars and gets the job done.This particular one is designed for those struggling with mental health, including weekly anxiety trackers, sleep trackers, agendas, self care checklists, etc. Oh, and I love the title, "One Breath At A Time." It also comes in a different color scheme here. Here's a snippet of why I love this one in particular.

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Honestly, I love this author, Emily Byrnes. She has another bullet journal called, "One Day At Time," that helps keep track anxiety, keep track of self care, set goals, set affirmations, organize, etc. How cute is her beginning excerpt?

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Is this something you would be willing to try out? Let me know! I can't think of a cheaper of easier way to try this in a proper, guided way from someone who has been there and gets it.

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